perambulatory paradelle

why does the killdeer scream and squawk?

why does the killdeer scream and squawk?

he starts such a fuss when i goes for a walk

he starts such a fuss when i goes for a walk

why i does walk such when he goes squawk

for the killdeer starts a scream and a fuss.


i do not desire his nest eggs so small

i do not desire his nest eggs so small

speckled and hidden in ditch grasses tall

speckled and hidden in ditch grasses tall

i do so ditch eggs speckled and small

tall desire hidden in nest grasses not his.


through ripening fields of gold tasseled corn

through ripening fields of gold tasseled corn

traveled graveled roads on summer’s morn

traveled graveled roads on summer’s morn

on gold tasseled roads of ripening corn

morn traveled through summer’s graveled fields.


why he starts for a walk through his corn

and traveled the gold speckled ditch,

do i not nest a summer’s ripening desire.

when does such tall tasseled killdeer

squawk of graveled eggs and scream on roads?

grasses small morn goes so hidden in fuss fields.


Billy Collin’s parody form of the villanelle as featured on MTB at:

9 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. summerstommy2
    Aug 02, 2014 @ 23:36:44

    Oh nicely done, great use of the form, I enjoyed this poem very much.


  2. rmp
    Aug 02, 2014 @ 20:58:00

    I’ve never heard of a killdeer…had to look it up. what an interesting bird and bird call. you did a lovely job weaving your words here. I particularly liked how the first stanza flowed into the second stanza. you painted quite a nice picture overall.


  3. Björn Rudberg (brudberg)
    Aug 01, 2014 @ 21:06:10

    Oh I love how you boils up to the last stanza.. I want to capture the summer morning to this…


  4. Mary
    Aug 01, 2014 @ 18:43:10

    I like this so much really. The first stanza really gets me into the poem, and the remaining stanzas work exceptionally well together…..I really like the idea you came up with for your paradelle!


  5. Sumana Roy
    Aug 01, 2014 @ 12:35:29

    I love this beautiful setting too…and alsolike how you’ve captivated the strange behavior of the birds..they sure don’t approve of human presence…


  6. wolfsrosebud
    Aug 01, 2014 @ 11:55:39

    there are a lot of why’s in nature… thanks for the walk


  7. Kathy
    Aug 01, 2014 @ 11:15:26

    Love the nature setting and traveling a graveled road


  8. Bryan Ens
    Aug 01, 2014 @ 04:57:55

    Yes, those poor birds don’t get that we’re not after them. Nice paradelle


  9. bmiller007 (@bmiller007)
    Aug 01, 2014 @ 03:29:17

    ha. well i imagine those eggs probably are the reason..he knows no different…not sure i would want gravelled eggs, i might chip a tooth…smiles..i do love my walks though…after cutting my neighbors grass today…and some water and good long sit under a tree, my son and i took a nice one through the woods.


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