kafka for kids?

“I do not see the world at all; I invent it.” from The Diaries of Franz Kafka, 1910-1923. Link to dVerse poetics hosted by Amaya this week.

Beware the yellow school bus
with cheery windows bright
it threatens to take all of us
and re-educate us right!

Leave your mama & your papa
watch your family disappear
bureaucracy will dictate how
we spend each school year

Bullies learn from Darwin
it’s survival of the fittest
teachers hear from Kinsey
pedophiles are hippest

Identity is how you feel
(forget biology)
kick God out, he isn’t real
(fascist philosophy)

Unicorns and mermaids
rewrite history after all
fluff mis-education may
result in Humpty’s fall

Everyone’s a victim
disenchantment is the rule
let’s politicize the system
then send adults to school!




6 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Gospel Isosceles
    Sep 29, 2019 @ 23:18:49

    Parents absolutely have reason to be cautious and should proceed with much consideration and prayer when determining the course of (re)education for their children. I saw you liked a comment I wrote to another poet about unschooling, so is take it you homeschool. Yes, your take on this prompt was whimsical in tone and a delight to read, as I share much of your sentiment regarding institutionalized education, and you were creative in expanding on your chosen quote. You are so right about there being a little too much inventing these days with not enough foundation to stand on.


    • lynn__
      Sep 30, 2019 @ 13:07:30

      Thank you for your comments, Amaya! Yes, we chose to homeschool our 5 sons and they’ve all expressed appreciation…after graduation 😉 Parents are the first teachers and they know their children best.


  2. Björn Rudberg (brudberg)
    Sep 26, 2019 @ 15:35:10

    I think schooling a child is what builds our future… my experience of school is not what you describe.


    • lynn__
      Sep 26, 2019 @ 17:50:15

      Thankfully, my education was (for the most part) a good experience as well! We must be wary of people with political agendas they try to push through the schools. This was written a bit tongue in cheek as I know many great teachers!


  3. Frank Hubeny
    Sep 26, 2019 @ 13:46:02

    Very nice! I especially like this line: “and re-educate us right!”


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