boomers message to snowflakes

snowflakes melting on mittens
mewling like helpless kittens
half-grown, grad school bound
when will self-respect be found?

it’s tough world, you must be strong
such thin skin will not last long
not every insult’s in your face,
peace of mind is safest space!


Bjorn hosts quadrilles at dVerse and is pouring hot chocolate for the poets today…comic courtesy of Brett Jordan at Unsplash.

quiet word

How to give thanks with chaos in the world, breakdown in the family? Death and violence, divorce and mental illness, “us against them” polarization… good humor is hard to come by when life feels like a tragedy. We search for stability, a grounding.

Where is God when needed? Seems too high and mighty above our fractiousness. Is he deaf to his creatures’ pitiful whimpers and loud tantrums alike? Disillusioned with ancient oracles of dead prophets, we grasp for meaning.

In dusky silence, a singular sunset leisurely paints the sky above fields of round cornstalk bales. Hot pink and purple hues deepen, clouds set on fire, eyes cannot resist, breath catches at heavenly drama. Radio plays song, When You Speak* and inexplicable peace envelops my soul.

moonrise to sunset
skies shimmer with his glory
give us thankful hearts

Join Frank J. Tassone and dVerse poets who are serving haibuns and giving thanks this week. Reference to song by Jeremy Camp heard on K-LOVE.

stark silhouette

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Another game of magnetic poetry online describing a dead tree standing in neighbor’s ditch; stripped bare of bark, stark white silhouette…

undou (movement)


breeze rustles fern leaf

humbly bows low to water

green ripples of peace




image & form: CDHK

a fresh intuition


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(magnetic poetry online)

pastoral season


photo by lynn



to citizens of secret kingdom

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”   – Jesus  (John 16:33)


what have you to fear?

suffering betrayal and injustice by ones you trusted

evil gaining power to wreak havoc and violence


what have you to cheer?

love, grace, forgiveness…received and given

good stands stronger than evil and will overcome


peace has your back!


A quadrille with the word “cheer” and something secret…linking to dVerse poets pub!


so says Sophocles

A distillation of passage from Plato’s Republic linked to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai. Sophocles was a Greek playwright and here’s a quote from his play “Antigone”: 

“Many are the wonders of the world but none is more wonderful than man.” — Sophocles



this gift of old age

when strength of passions relax,

free to be at peace…

but elderly who complain,

were they happier in youth?



Sophocles bust (public domain)


rest in peace, Rip!


Dear God, why does everyone have to die? One by one, we leave this world cold and those left standing feel abandoned, depressed, hurt, and angry. We know that you understand deep emotion. After all, you lost your only Son…and that son wept at the grave of his friend. We believe you mourn with us. Yes, our final enemy wields a cruel stinger but you took the sting out of death for Uncle Raymond (“Rip”). You called him quietly in his sleep; he passed unexpectedly, without suffering. Thank you, Father, for your mercy, even in his final breath. We grieve but he rejoices, celebrating in your presence today; reunited with his wife, son, and sisters. He fell asleep in mysterious darkness and woke to a glorious morning!


breath of life recalled
death comes as thief in the night
sun will rise again




Raymond (right) died in early morning of brother Willis’ 90th birthday (8-18-18)

feathered peace

Weekly challenge at Ramblings of a Writer using words: paloma & imagination


do you hear birds cooing?

paloma blanca

rock dove


common pigeon



what do you imagine?

ear worm of once-popular song

nest in niche of ancient stone wall

performance of flying back flips

disrespected military statue in park

gentle hearts of monogamous mates




shine light in darkness

Frank J. Tassone hosts haibuns at dVerse Poets on Hiroshima Day, 2018.


Hiroshima Memorial Ceremony

Reading a thin volume, Hiroshima, in high school, I experienced the mushrooming disturbance to our world. Horror, regret, tragedy and fear seared my mind as images of devastation burned into my imagination. An unthinkable calculation dropped this surreal weapon of ghastly power on unsuspecting civilians. 

Visiting Pearl Harbor as an adult, I attempted to understand the whys of warfare. An over-reaching dictator and ultra-ambitious military attacked unsuspecting soldiers, provoking enmity. Havoc, death and destruction ensued, trailing a bloody wake across the “Pacific” (sadly ironic) theater. 

Until it finally ended with not one, but two, atomic bombs. Who fully realized the fallout of unleashing such force? Acts of war escalate exponentially, beyond all expectations of reasonable retaliation. Let ugly history be our strict teacher and awful memory be our future deterrence.


land of rising sun

lanterns floating on water

lit with hopes for peace




personal notes on 23rd psalm


The Lord is my shepherd,

i admit to sheepishness; like a foolish, fearful, lost lamb


I shall not be in want.

Jesus is all i really want, all i’ll ever need


He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul.

my provider sustains and renews me with peace for body and soul


He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

he leads me on the right path for my good and his honor


Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,

the world is a dangerous place but i need not fear evil’s threats


for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me

my shepherd is ready to protect, defend, and rescue me


You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

i will sit at the king’s table and enjoy his triumphal feast


You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

you raise me up to all i can be; my life spills your joy


Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,

you are the Lover who pursues me… relentlessly


and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

abiding in his presence is my true forever home


– Inspired by summer sermon series by Dr. Justin Bailey 

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