a song through tears

as i wait in pickup

for husband on errand,

i miss my mother.

heart pauses in grief as

sparrow lights upon bush

next to vehicle and begins

to sweetly sing as he studies

me with keen dark eyes.

mother’s favorite song was

“His Eye is on the Sparrow;”

it was a connection, a sign.

the One who watches over

my mother, also watches me.

one day at a time

do you love me?
yes, i love you.
a little or a lot?
i love you lots.
forty years worth?
i’ve loved you an ATROCIOUS
amount of time!


how did we make it FORTY years?

one question at a time, one answer at a time

one smile at a time, one laugh at a time

one promise at a time, one prayer at a time

one choice at a time, one challenge at a time

one wink at a time, one eye roll at a time

one argument at a time, one concession at a time

one tear at a time, one joy at a time

one kiss at a time, one hug at a time

one step at a time, one sleep at a time

one son at a time, one season at a time

one day at a time, one moment at a time

forty years of blessing is a gift of God’s GRACE!

the source

every good gift received

each reminder believed

that good Lord above

is the God of great love

and our worthiness under-achieved!


Joining Ingrid at dVerse poetics to consider gifts and gratitude.


morning sun breaks through

rain clouds radiate glory

God smiles with favor

photo by lynn

quiet word

How to give thanks with chaos in the world, breakdown in the family? Death and violence, divorce and mental illness, “us against them” polarization… good humor is hard to come by when life feels like a tragedy. We search for stability, a grounding.

Where is God when needed? Seems too high and mighty above our fractiousness. Is he deaf to his creatures’ pitiful whimpers and loud tantrums alike? Disillusioned with ancient oracles of dead prophets, we grasp for meaning.

In dusky silence, a singular sunset leisurely paints the sky above fields of round cornstalk bales. Hot pink and purple hues deepen, clouds set on fire, eyes cannot resist, breath catches at heavenly drama. Radio plays song, When You Speak* and inexplicable peace envelops my soul.

moonrise to sunset
skies shimmer with his glory
give us thankful hearts

Join Frank J. Tassone and dVerse poets who are serving haibuns and giving thanks this week. Reference to song by Jeremy Camp heard on K-LOVE.

Egad, ye gods!

Greek pantheon
are myths to us,
such terrible fuss!
Poor Persephone:
“who cares for me?”
Captured, raped
by Uncle Hades,
a devilish beast;
manipulated by
silly Mother Ceres,
who would starve
humanity by neglect;
and banished yearly
by Father Zeus, who
had engaged his own
sister in prideful lust.
What incestuous mess!

These are no “gods”
but humanized idols
on selfish agendas,
oblivious to damage.
We humans, created
to worship, have
throughout history
fashioned odd gods
in our own image;
futile attempts to
control triune, to
keep wholly “other”
in manageable box.
The Holy One, great
“I Am” laughs at our
delusional myths from
throne in pure flame.

Linking to dVerse poets pub where we consider the Greek myth of Persephone…

back to basics


My fellow Americans,

What is happening to our country?

We are ONE nation but some are trying to divide us!

Have we forgotten our pledge of allegiance to her?

America’s past isn’t perfect; let us learn from our mistakes.

America’s future is full of promise if we reach for her ideals;

If we preserve freedom’s principle to protect individual rights,

If we respect our Constitution and agree to live united under law.

Have we forgotten GOD who is the source of life, law, and justice?

Let us humble ourselves, give thanks for our blessings of opportunity,

and keep working together toward true liberty and justice for ALL!





seeking solitude

I never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude.

-David Henry Thoreau


when being alone
doesn’t seem lonely
but a companionable
inner retreat, making
space for the soul.

find quietude within,
aware of own breath.
listen to music of the
wind and water, hear
time self-expanding

rest hurried mind
de-stress taut body
take time to imagine
core life possibilities,
reconsider priorities.

renewal of creative
in scent of rainwater
dew on emerald leaf;
barefoot in grass, sun
caresses shoulders.

posture of prayer
sitting in silence;
listen for God’s still
small voice speaking
truth to deepest heart.



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Bjorn invites us to explore some solitude and then link with dVerse poets

safe sanctuary


close restaurants
and coffee shops,
take away my chai
latte and stuffed crab,
hang the last TP rolls
from nearest tree, and
cancel church services

even if infected with
coronavirus at home
(my childhood home
was on corona street)
& quarantined, i will
yet have a sanctuary
for my heart to rest

within the soul’s home
found in Yahweh/God
whose name is breath;
i breathe His presence
as close as a heartbeat,
prayers whispered and
translated by the Spirit

forever and ever amen.








follow still small voice

where it quietly leads you

let God speak to heart

you may be an answer to

another person’s prayer



Link to #wispwrit#Writing#Challenge...and dedicated to my friend, Marie 🙂

quiet time


morning tea with God

prayerful conversation

listen to the Word

vital act of devotion

Spirit speaks into my life



Linking to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai‘s final post for month of pilgrimage…”an act of devotion”

give honor where honor due


Hallowed be your name?

be set apart, made holy

to know God, to make him known

but we are an unholy people

hollow/hollowed out, hurt/ hurting

we’ve brought shame on your name

we have put out the bright signal fires

even dousing them with tepid water

yet, when life’s trouble terrifies us

we again take your name on our lips

cry for help in hopeless places

look for you in unfamiliar faces

you hear, you answer, you come

dispel our soul darkness

heal our heart wounds

wake us to our real life

Hallowed be your name!



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