winter wrangling


winter won’t let go
snow blows, sun beats, clouds recoil
tug-o-war with spring
robin redbreast looks confused
water in birdbath frozen

spring forecast



sunny, with flurries of snow

and common grackles










Winter chrysanthemum,
Wearing nothing
but its own light

© Mizuhara Shūōshi (1892-1981)


bright orb illuminates snow
february’s super moon

© lynn__ (1959- )





Linking this tan renga response to beautiful haiku at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

waiting for epiphany

at home in our white-sided farm house, i’m poised to write as i sit by my small white-laminate study desk in our quiet, white-walled guest room.  bare square of first day of new year on the white-paged calendar stares back at me.  i look out white-framed window before me into our white-drifted snowy grove, hoping for inspiration but mind feels blank, like tv screen white-out.

over past year, i’ve often gazed out this same window, inspired by natural scene of trees with white-sunlit leaves waving in breezes.  i’ve watched white-puffed daydream clouds sail summer skies while squirrels played in the grass, rising on haunches to show white-furred bellies.

why would someone park canoe trailer with white-topped carrier full of life vests right in center of my woodsy window view?  old skeletal metal rack with two aluminum white-stickered canoes mounted upside down and tied with bungee straps distracts my vision.  without the sun, everything feels cold on this white-iced winter day.


it’s twenty-twenty

year clear for perfect vision

life needs fresh outlook


I wrote this on Jan. 1 and it seems to fit with Bjorn’s “beginning(again)” haibun challenge at dVerse poets pub.






hey man, whatsup?
’tis the season to glow

hustlers glitter under streetlight
like shards of broken window
neon sign blinks cheap hotel

alley cats’ eyes flicker between
garbage dumpsters in row
yowling fight over dead fish

it’s Christmas eve, yeah
sell me some snow!



Linking with dVerse poets where Lillian hosts a “glowing” quadrille…


Joining in Frank Tassone‘s “Cold Moon” challenge…


cross country skiers
under december’s cold moon
track on virgin snow

night’s romantic trek ends with
hot wassail by yule log fire



image: the daring gourmet





ancient stone pillars

“how impressive!” people say

snow covers rubble

© lynn__


inspired by this classic haiku:

“An ancient road,” they say
How charming
Though beneath this snow.

© Yosa Buson


Joining Carpe Diem Haiku Kai‘s 7th anniversary celebration!

mid-western disaster

Linking late to Linda’s “water” prompt at dVerse poetics


water, water, water, everywhere!
dark clouds broiling across plains’
hard-crusted snowy landscape; soil
soaked by heavy rains, washes into
half-frozen rivers, ice breaks loose
floating icebergs grind along banks
dragging down bridges, trees, poles;
pressured dam gives way into torrent
that floods downstream in spreading
wave that engulfs barns, farmhouses’
families escape on muddy roads while
cattle are trapped on shrinking islands
hay bales swept away, fields ruined and
Nebraska is once again a broad ocean…







awayuki (light snow)

IMG_0534 2

photo by lynn



Linking to Frank Tassone’s haiku challenge…

silent (pause) paws


shadowed rabbit tracks

blue moon illuminates snow

coyote’s eerie howl


keen nose follows scent of prey

end is mercifully swift


Chèvrefeuille at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai invites us to find a haiku from our archives and re-write it. I decided to post a haiku I submitted to a poetry contest last year…and make it a tanka.  Death is part of life in our natural world.

to survive snowstorm

across this frozen prairie, winter blows
strong blizzard gale bullwhips up fallen snow
we shiver, polar-cold, wind’s frightful roar
and add thick logs to embers burning low

such fierceness could freeze creature to the core
if wait exposed;  come, safe inside closed door
we offer mugs to drink in warming flow
and reminisce of summer sun-swept shores


Rubaiyat: The ruba’i is a classical Persian quatrain or double couplet of 4 lines and having rhyme scheme either AABA or AAAA. A collection of more than one quatrain is called a rubaiyat.

Edward Fitzgerald popularized the form in English. He chose iambic pentameter, generally 10-syllable lines with alternating accents, for the meter and used the AABA rhyme scheme. Having the unrhymed third line allows the poet to use that sound from the first quatrain as the main rhyming sound in the next quatrain, connecting the stanzas.

My thanks to Frank at dVerse Poets for this information on the rubaiyat form!

sound of dripping

CDHK challenge to create a “fusion-ku” with the two given haiku:

black forest
night extinguishes
the snow

sun and snow
still in the pines
the black forest

© Jane Reichhold


Combination fusion-ku: 

wet needles on ground
morning birdsong from branches
announces spring melt

© lynn__



photo by lynn



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