need thankful heart transplant

If we have access to clean water, adequate food, decent clothing, and a sturdy home, we should be thankful. Some people in our world walk long distances to draw contaminated water and many go to bed with hungry bellies. Homeless people shiver in ragged clothes out on cold sidewalks.

If we have family that loves us and we enjoy the companionship of good friends and neighbors, we must be thankful. Think how many people live alone or feel lonely in the wide world, wishing they had someone to be with or talk to. A warm touch, listening ears and understanding heart are treasures.

If we live in a nation that respects the life and liberty of its citizens with laws that recognize the worth and dignity of every individual, let us be thankful. Rule by tyrants or terrorists results in oppressive regimes where no one is safe. All people deserve a voice in their own government.

easy to complain

about food or politics

give me thankful heart


Frank encourages us to write a haibun on thankfulness today at d’Verse poets…not sure whether I’ve written a haibun or a grandmotherly sermon!

he’s no wallflower


you are a saute old fellow

whether gussy(sacked) up

in wine, ivory, gold yellow,

or tastefully seen in green!


quite pungently romantic

and amorously aromatic

(though slippery-skinned)

you require running water

and sharp knife to cut in

fast as salsa dance partner

with hot peppers or garlic.


as sweet layers peel off,

your heart risks exposure

but no fear, it’s not here

you prove elusive as ever

still eliciting tears wherever

you mince, slice or chop!


Joining poetics at dVerse where Melissa hosts with onions on the menu!

native “soul” music

Lisa hosts musical muses at dVerse Poetics today…

she can
play flute,
learn lessons to
perform technique;
read musical notes
follow basic beat

how he
softly sways
with reed flute,
gentle and tender;
natural organic sound
memorized by breath
and expressed
simply by heart.





my heart

is shattered,

my mind

feels scattered,

i question,

what matters?

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.    (Lamentations 3: 22, 23)

heartbreak “hero”

Like the tin man
looking for a heart
or the scarecrow
missing his brain,
occupant of oval
office is barely
there (elder abuse)

Can we blame him
for half-hearted
ignorance or naive
desire to be instant
“hero” at high cost
of deadly equipment
and human lives??

Writing quadrilles from the heart with De Jackson at dVerse poets’ pub…I don’t often go political but what U.S. President Joe Biden did/didn’t do by suddenly withdrawing troops from Afghanistan is heart-breaking!

birth of a poem

Linking to dVerse poets pub for Amaya’s challenge to “labor”…


as the product of

conception, a poem

begins with flicker

of flirty idea

which sparks a

burning desire that,

with heart unprotected,

climaxes in passion for

words, that are strung

together like double

helix into phrases

which multiply and


connected by

rhythm and rhyme;

hid in warm darkness

until fully developed

and ready to be

edited, contracted,

squeezed through

narrow passage

’til finally, its

author, depleted

and relieved,

delivers another

helpless poem

into wide world

and, whether

birthed online

or hard copy,


or wailing,

it comes

hoping to be

caught gently

by readers.

play for keeps


keep the best memories
let unpleasant ones go

keep faith in truth
turn from all false-ness

keep forward movement
stop procrastination now

keep expressing your heart
ignore rude criticism

keep head held high
don’t lose confidence

keep smiling at life
watch life smile back!




Too late to link but inspired by Kim at dVerse to write quadrille (44 words) on “keep”.



follow still small voice

where it quietly leads you

let God speak to heart

you may be an answer to

another person’s prayer



Link to #wispwrit#Writing#Challenge...and dedicated to my friend, Marie 🙂

opening to lovelight


floating on black pond

mysterious lotus heart

~ deeper reflections ~



image: unsplash

spring yearning

Chevréfeuille at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai prompts a “distillation” of a sonnet…

Sonnet 98  (by the master)

From you have I been absent in the spring,
When proud-pied April, dressed in all his trim,
Hath put a spirit of youth in everything,
That heavy Saturn laughed and leaped with him.
Yet nor the lays of birds, nor the sweet smell
Of different flowers in odour and in hue,
Could make me any summer’s story tell,
Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew:
Nor did I wonder at the lily’s white,
Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose;
They were but sweet, but figures of delight
Drawn after you, – you pattern of all those.
Yet seem’d it winter still, and, you away,
As with your shadow I with these did play.

© William Shakespeare




my distillation in tanka form:

in beauty, scent, hue

all the flowers, roses too

cannot surpass you

winter’s lonely heart would thrill

if return to spring we will


© lynn__





lament for erica anne



hear our anguished cries, O God!
why do the loveliest ones die young?

she had her daddy’s perceptive eyes
that saw beyond this world’s pretense;

she had her mother’s tender heart
that loved beyond this world’s ache.

Erica belonged to a better, purer world.

depression’s demons
pushed her till she fell,
desperate to escape.

her mortal body broken but
her timeless spirit caught in
arms of compassion
and carried home,

like lost lamb on gentle
Shepherd’s shoulders…

Lord, carry us in our grief!



For my friend and family who lost their sweet daughter/sister. Read Erica’s obituary here.

honey-dewed sighs


honey, do you love me?

why don’t you say it louder

with your warm, strong hands

holding me closer until i melt

into your steady, beating chest

where i find the safest nest

within your steady heart  best

so hold me closer until i melt

into your strong, warm hands

why not say it louder–

honey, you do love me!



A mirror poem for Frank’s reverse poetry prompt at dVerse Poets

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