weathering predictions

autumn’s season when leaves must fall
in colors of dying sunset across sky
where canada geese high above us call
their long goodbyes to summer’s home;
they must move on as leaves must fall.
farmers bring in dry harvest of ripe corn
and deliver fattened cattle to butcher’s stall
to supply grocer’s shelves to feed all our
children hungry for winter’s first snowfall;
in hopes of missed school days while haze
of smoky fires burn dead leaves that must fall.


This is a “fold” poem invented by Gillena Cox and featured at dVerse poets’ pub.

The Fold [Gillena’s guidelines]
1. 11 lines
2. The end phrase of Line 1 repeats at Lines 5 and 11
3. The rhyme of line 1 continues through in every other line 
4. There MUST be a reference to nature and how it affects you, the poet

iris in vincent’s eye

i begin as
dry ivory bulb
asleep in deep dark
until warmth stirs from
far away as sunshine
whispers, “come to me”

i stretch
uncurling in
moist brick soil
insects tickling my
pale skin as it peels off
with sigh, “love, arise!”

i reach up
to throw off the
heaviness of garden
bed’s blanket and am
blinded by yellow light
crying, “it’s spring!”

i grow long
sabered leaves
of vibrant green to
drink in cool rain and
shelter tender buds with
promise, “we’ll dance!

i bloom in
profuse blue hues
from cerulean to indigo
unfurling petaled banners
to reveal frilly stamens and
sing, “behold life’s beauty!”

i fade as
sun sets in gold;
plucked from roots
glory slowly wanes as
flowered energy wilts with
a moan, “remember me.”

Screen Shot 2020-02-19 at 1.39.51 PM

irises by van gogh

still life spice


fall smell of wet leaves

~ cinnamon apple slices ~

refreshed after rain




Link to Carpe Diem‘s weekend challenge to write to still life image above.

do you know?



do you know what the earth meditates upon in autumn?

when north wind breathes fresh worship
over cornfield of heavy stalks bowed down
as ripe apples bless orchard with abundance
and tumbleweeds dance across rural road?

when crispy leaves gather in harvest pile
over rich soil fully yielded to waning sun
as pumpkins swell with orange-ribbed grace
and squirrel chatters praise for scattered nuts?

do you know what the earth meditates upon in autumn?



The beginning (and ending) question is from Pablo Neruda’s El Libro de las Preguntas.

frost poetry season

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The season’s first frost woke me early so playing magnetic poetry online …

seasonal palette

Carpe Diem is on a quest for a masterpiece haiku at the start of autumn…


master Artist paints
tips of sumac scarlet red;
hints of autumn change



prairie winds pantoum


perpetual prairie wind moans lonely lowing sound

in search of mischief, gust scatters dry leaves along

on midnight prowl, gale must howl like lost hound

across empty fields, wind sings a melancholy song


in search of mischief, gust scatters dry leaves along

seeds fly, tree branches sway, wild grasses bend,

across empty fields, wind sings a melancholy song

laundry flaps on lines, blows off, hung up again, again


seeds fly, tree branches sway, wild grasses bend,

rusty windmill squeaks, giant wind turbines hum

laundry flaps on lines, blows off, hung up again, again

tumbleweeds twirl, dust devils whirl, grasshoppers strum


rusty windmill squeaks, giant wind turbines hum

on midnight prowl, gale must howl like lost hound

tumbleweeds twirl, dust devils whirl, grasshoppers strum

perpetual prairie wind moans lonely lowing sound



Submitting pantoum poem to dVerse Poets pub with thanks to Gina for explaining this form and Victoria for added encouragement!




final call

“Cricket” is a classical “kigo” (season word) used in haiku…link to CDHK


leaves crunch underfoot

last cricket chirps in basement

where is he hiding?



image – pixabay


late bloomers

Join in Carpe Diem Haiku Kai’s chrysanthemum prompt.


dead leaves fall from trees

cornstalks decay in field as

chrysanthemums bloom!

granddaughters delight in mums

colorful caterpillar  🙂



photo by lynn



A triolet is a French form of 8 lines with ABaAabAB repetition…for dVerse MTB


wet scarlet leaves carpet cold ground

embraced with dew and kissed by mist

hidden in fog, pumpkins lie ’round

wet scarlet leaves carpet cold ground

ghost cows graze cornfield, make no sound

where earth meets sky in phantom tryst

wet scarlet leaves carpet cold ground

embraced with dew and kissed by mist




sounds of silver


breeze whispers in trees

shaking,  sighing, quivering

summit ash leaves quake


listen to metal

red tail fin turns, grey blades spin

garden windmill squeaks


hear tinkling music

chimes dangle on staggered strings

dance with spring zephyr


Version 2

view from my kitchen window



do you hear the wind?

whirring sound but no air moves

fan noise app for sleep



Linking to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

for love of chlorophyll

Linking to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai where kigo (season word) is young maple leaves.




photo by lynn

 young maple leaves

ecstasy of summer growth

in dappled sunlight

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