deep waters

lagoon in my memories
fills dormant volcano crater;
nicaraguan vendors encircle
tourists as mountains surround
deep blue pocket of aquatic life.

lagoon of my memories
fills crevices of heart and mind;
as faces from childhood encircle
present experience, surrounding
deeply personal perspective on life.


Quadrille (44 words) linked to Melissa’s prompt at dVerse poets on “lagoon”.

holy week triolet

if we believe, we will be saved
remember how God loves us still
although it’s true we live depraved
if we believe, we will be saved
from idols that keep souls enslaved
we can’t be freed by our own will
if we believe, we will be saved
remember how God loves us still

dear Jesus offered life on cross
blood of pure lamb is shed for sin
sin brings us death, despair, chaos
dear Jesus offered life on cross
estranged from Father, such a loss
when God turned face away from him
dear Jesus offered life on cross
blood of pure lamb is shed for sin

Christ is risen, he lives today
come look, the grave is now empty!
women witness what angels say
“Christ is risen, he lives today!”
our heavy stone is rolled away
john and peter run fast to see
Christ is risen, he lives today
come look, the grave is now empty!


content (ment)

word for the year to be

satisfied with our situation

whether cup overflows or

seems only half full or even

down to dregs in the bottom.

not irritable or restless, soul

holds happiness ever lightly

for it may fly… and now is

how life is meant to be;

the best is yet to come!

life is brief

we’re but passing mist

our lifespan a breath of God

shadows seen through fog

James 4:14

world poetry day

Life is a poem; mysterious and beautiful…savor every phrase!


our choice


embrace death

it is everyone’s end

accept the coldness

into your spirit well

before it strikes you

down, go down to it


choose life

to live every day

accept what it gives

with an open spirit

don’t let life slip away

step up, live up to it



“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.”  –Deuteronomy 30:19 NIV



Palinode poem where first verse is refuted by second…link to dVerse poetics with Grace hosting today.

reality check

Time for us to admit that life is not happily ever after.

play for keeps


keep the best memories
let unpleasant ones go

keep faith in truth
turn from all false-ness

keep forward movement
stop procrastination now

keep expressing your heart
ignore rude criticism

keep head held high
don’t lose confidence

keep smiling at life
watch life smile back!




Too late to link but inspired by Kim at dVerse to write quadrille (44 words) on “keep”.

climate change

I’m linking this “sun/Son” quadrille (44 words) to  dVerse Poets pub   where we’re diving into the subject of climate crisis this week…

powerful star
commands our
entire system solar

glorious light
shines too bright
for human sight

his light maintains
so life sustains
planet’s green plains

will we war for
what we adore?
been done before

apostasy done
spiritual war won
when earth falls into sun

“Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”  (Psalm 2:12 KJV)

the treasure

Skeptical about the Bible? Try reading one of the New Testament gospels, the book of John. We all have questions! See post by former agnostic, The Sylvr Pen.


diversified volumes form unique collection
library referenced by love’s common theme

more than mere letters forming words
more than simply words on a page

voluminous, luminous top-selling tome of
truth verified on authority of one true author

a long-ago breathed, still breathing book
a living letter made alive by the lord of life

logos, the Word made flesh, God himself
fleshed out in gracious words of his son

sword of spirit that pierces mind and soul
cuts through deceit, defends against evil one

map to precious treasure of kingdom is not
to be pirated or buried but diligently studied

spill the treasure out to be spent by beggars
memorize the map to find the only way home




free image – pixabay

life…as world turns

Join dVerse Poets where Lillian quotes Eccles. 3: 1-8, a time for everything.


“all is vanity,” says the preacher
life’s breath ~ “chasing after wind”

somewhere in the weary world
newborn baby first sucks in air
toddler tosses pebbles into pond
young girl twirls a wedding dance
farmer plants seed in hope of harvest
lovers laugh to embrace ~ weep, to not
developer digs dirt in hope of homes
man grieves loss of beloved wife
old woman stacks stones on beach
dying man expires with final sigh
somewhere in the weary world

“all is vanity,” says the preacher
life’s breath ~ “chasing after wind”




beauty’s weight

Carpe Diem Haiku Kai’s “tan renga” challenge…add 2 lines to original haiku.


floating away, despite
the butterfly’s weight on it

© Chiyo-Ni

beauty flits magnificent
but life’s current moves stronger

© lynn__



photo by lynn

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