baked with love

why do we call them Christmas cookies anyway?
such festive cut-outs are gone before the holiday

take half cup soft butter…the true dairy cow deal
mix with one cup sugar and two eggs, also real
bit of vanilla, two tablespoons cream taste best
mix soda, salt, two heaping cups flour with rest
put dough overnight in fridge, covered to chill
preheat oven; roll and cut dough, the pan to fill
stars, angels, canes, bells and tree shapes
watch closely till done, let cool and decorate

bakes best on a day with soft snow falling fine…
sprinkle each cookie with dear grandchild in mind


I’d take a photo but they’re all gone…eaten when we opened stockings for St. Nicholas Day! Grace hosts dVerse for final poems of 2023. The theme is recipe poems 🙂

one day at a time

do you love me?
yes, i love you.
a little or a lot?
i love you lots.
forty years worth?
i’ve loved you an ATROCIOUS
amount of time!


how did we make it FORTY years?

one question at a time, one answer at a time

one smile at a time, one laugh at a time

one promise at a time, one prayer at a time

one choice at a time, one challenge at a time

one wink at a time, one eye roll at a time

one argument at a time, one concession at a time

one tear at a time, one joy at a time

one kiss at a time, one hug at a time

one step at a time, one sleep at a time

one son at a time, one season at a time

one day at a time, one moment at a time

forty years of blessing is a gift of God’s GRACE!

holy week triolet

if we believe, we will be saved
remember how God loves us still
although it’s true we live depraved
if we believe, we will be saved
from idols that keep souls enslaved
we can’t be freed by our own will
if we believe, we will be saved
remember how God loves us still

dear Jesus offered life on cross
blood of pure lamb is shed for sin
sin brings us death, despair, chaos
dear Jesus offered life on cross
estranged from Father, such a loss
when God turned face away from him
dear Jesus offered life on cross
blood of pure lamb is shed for sin

Christ is risen, he lives today
come look, the grave is now empty!
women witness what angels say
“Christ is risen, he lives today!”
our heavy stone is rolled away
john and peter run fast to see
Christ is risen, he lives today
come look, the grave is now empty!


the source

every good gift received

each reminder believed

that good Lord above

is the God of great love

and our worthiness under-achieved!


Joining Ingrid at dVerse poetics to consider gifts and gratitude.

his promise

image from vekteezy, meme by lynn

morning hymn

every evening i rest in you
grant sleep to those you love
every morning i’m still with you
awakened by Spirit above

rejoice with the sun, the dawn is breaking
come greet the new day the Lord is making

every day is a gift from you
give me a song to sing
every moment is breath from you
give purpose to everything

rejoice with the birds, the day is breaking
come see the new day the Lord is making

every blessing comes from you
good gifts from God above
every morning given by you
our generous Father of love


An “aubade” linked to dVerse Poets

hope shines in darkness

teardrops fall
in the middle of the night
no more hope?

turn on light to read good word
spirit buoyed on waves of love

A tan renga in response to Chevrefeuille’s haiku at CDHK post “on waves of love”.

state of the world (2)

do not be afraid

we cannot see whole picture

love shall overcome

we must look beyond ourselves

Jesus Christ offers us HOPE!


love’s sacrifice


LOVE is a strange beautiful mix of suffering and satisfaction.

take up your cross and follow

tuna cat

Tuna, baby
you’re the one
you make playtime
so much fun
Tuna, baby
i’m meow-fully
fond of you.

my son & daughter-in-love’s cat, Tuna

You’re a love ball
made of fur
and we love to
hear you purr
Tuna, baby
we’re meow-fully
fond of you.

(Sung to the tune of “Rubber Ducky” by Bert on Sesame Street)

melanin myopia

We must remember we are all members of one race…the human race!

love is kind

Linking to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai in the month of love…


be my valentine

red roses, dark chocolates

bake a heart-shaped cake

mama and i shared birthday

brief time to celebrate love


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If someone gives you their heart, you can’t give it back without breaking it.


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heart broken open…

perhaps that lets the love out

to spill on others?











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