kitty litter

there once roamed a fine feline pack

who desired royal avian snack:

“let’s pounce on low crows,

 tasty drumsticks dispose

but the feathers we’ll gladly give back!”

cartoon by Louis Wain

Poetry prompt with Melissa at dVerse to write on Wain’s cat cartoons without using word, “cat”.

the source

every good gift received

each reminder believed

that good Lord above

is the God of great love

and our worthiness under-achieved!


Joining Ingrid at dVerse poetics to consider gifts and gratitude.

mi quintilla


dia de los muertos

fiesta de los cuerpos

la dulce vida

vaya rapida

!alabanza!  porque días son cortos


free image – pixabay

udderly bountiful limerick

Linking to Tweetspeak Poetry…scroll to see video showing how butter is made!


Introducing a bovine named Daisy

she’s a generous cow, never lazydownload

her milk is a dream

of rich butter cream

she gives away gallons like crazy!


If you remember the Borden cow (“Elsie”, not Daisy), you’ll enjoy this online article.




There once was a bison named Buck

who jumped in the back of a truck;

he enjoyed scenic ride

until engine died

now bison and driver are stuck.



Tweetspeak Poetry prompt to write a buffalo limerick…

met desert tortoise out of element


On the beach, crawled pet tortoise named Tank

when a wave rolled, his wrinkled neck shrank

hard shell shaped like a boat

four legs paddled to float

that resourceful young tortoise ne’er sank!


american west limerick


Out west lived horse thief, Billy Rio

who holed-up at Ranch Armadillo

till the cavalry came

shot a slug with his name

now Bill’s buried below lone saguaro



Old Tucson Studios, AZ               photo by lynn

all’s fair in Wonderland

Inspired by prompt at Imaginary Garden with Real Toads.

i once read a poet named Carroll
who rolled readers’ minds in a barrel

we spun in a tea cup

until Alice fessed up

and Mad Hatter declared white hare sterile!


ID 30416302 © Joshua Daniels |

happy poem in pocket day

A little limerick in honor of Poem in My Pocket Day…when I titled my blog, almost three years ago, I did not know it was a “national” holiday!

I carry a poem in my pocket

Obsession eccentric – don’t knock it!

May I read it aloud?

Make dead poets proud

If you enjoy versing, let’s rock it!

garden photo by lynn__

photo by lynn__