stars of christmas

We welcome glad Christmas, O joyous day!
We remember and celebrate Christ’s birthday.

Light of the World who lit stars, sun, and moon,
Planets and angels sing his praises in tune.

God’s promise to humanity as seen in the sky
The Child of blessing invites us to draw nigh.

The glory of Heaven has come down to earth;
His majesty mangered in barn-humble birth.

The prophets have spoken, their words are fulfilled,
a Savior is born; for our sin, his blood spilled.

Wherever we wander, whether nearby or far,
King Jesus, shine on us! Be our guiding star!


I wrote this poem for Christmas Day as part of our church advent readings. Photo from Unsplash.



Winter chrysanthemum,
Wearing nothing
but its own light

© Mizuhara Shūōshi (1892-1981)


bright orb illuminates snow
february’s super moon

© lynn__ (1959- )





Linking this tan renga response to beautiful haiku at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

hunter moon


october hunter

moon is hunting, haunting my

feigned sleep — bright night light!

climate change

I’m linking this “sun/Son” quadrille (44 words) to  dVerse Poets pub   where we’re diving into the subject of climate crisis this week…

powerful star
commands our
entire system solar

glorious light
shines too bright
for human sight

his light maintains
so life sustains
planet’s green plains

will we war for
what we adore?
been done before

apostasy done
spiritual war won
when earth falls into sun

“Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”  (Psalm 2:12 KJV)

joy of light series

A fresh installment for Carpe Diem’s retreat: joy of light




lenten days lengthen

light increases by minutes

joy of spring coming

open tightly closed windows

inviting fresh clean breeze in!



pexel image

joy of light series




darkness does not understand

light of world shines



pure light shines boldly

on both good and evil thoughts

exposing our hearts



light of truth brings joy

but guilty hide in darkness

cling to familiar



joy of light series

Linking to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai retreat…



light of an oil lamp

from village of nazareth

pilgrim’s momento








joy of light series

Linking to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai retreat…



light in child’s blue eyes

shines with anticipation

sweet birthday surprise!


joy of light series

Linking to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai



light gives life to earth

sunrise will follow sunset

as day follows night



photo by lynn

dark prophet


photo & inspiration from Frank J. Tassone


time to shine

Decastitch poem of 10 lines, 10 syllables each; see Elsie at Ramblings of a Writer.

angels illuminate this holy night
wreath of candles on table flickers bright
white lights twinkle from pine branches in snow
winter moon on velvet night sheds soft glow
joyful gleam in children’s eyes wait to see
shimmering garlands encircle the tree
carolers who sing under lamp post’s glare
gather near fire’s hearth with stories to share
each window mirrors shining stars’ array
celebrate light of the world born today


Decided to expand it for smoother reading out loud…at our Christmas Eve service!

As angels illuminated this holy night,
we light wreath of candles flickering bright.

White lights twinkle from pine branches in snow,
winter moon on velvet night sheds softer glow.

Joyful gleam in child’s eyes waiting to see
shimmering tinsel garlands encircle the tree.

Carolers, who sing under lamp post’s glare,
will gather near fire’s hearth with stories to share.

Each window reflects a star pointing the way
as we celebrate the Light of the World today!



hope grows green





image and “hope” theme from Carpe Diem Haiku Kai





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