stars of christmas

We welcome glad Christmas, O joyous day!
We remember and celebrate Christ’s birthday.

Light of the World who lit stars, sun, and moon,
Planets and angels sing his praises in tune.

God’s promise to humanity as seen in the sky
The Child of blessing invites us to draw nigh.

The glory of Heaven has come down to earth;
His majesty mangered in barn-humble birth.

The prophets have spoken, their words are fulfilled,
a Savior is born; for our sin, his blood spilled.

Wherever we wander, whether nearby or far,
King Jesus, shine on us! Be our guiding star!


I wrote this poem for Christmas Day as part of our church advent readings. Photo from Unsplash.

peace on earth began with a birth*

Lights at Heritage Village photo by lynn


Christ-mas is joyous occasion,
a traditional commemoration of
historical birth-day celebration!

unique conception, God becomes man
King who reigns, deigns to live human
unexpected pregnancy not the problem

the first noel means “to be born”
whether middle of night or early morn,
for unto YOU this holy child is born!

* title quote by Mark Cavaliere at GS Southwest’s Birth of Hope Gala 2023.

baked with love

why do we call them Christmas cookies anyway?
such festive cut-outs are gone before the holiday

take half cup soft butter…the true dairy cow deal
mix with one cup sugar and two eggs, also real
bit of vanilla, two tablespoons cream taste best
mix soda, salt, two heaping cups flour with rest
put dough overnight in fridge, covered to chill
preheat oven; roll and cut dough, the pan to fill
stars, angels, canes, bells and tree shapes
watch closely till done, let cool and decorate

bakes best on a day with soft snow falling fine…
sprinkle each cookie with dear grandchild in mind


I’d take a photo but they’re all gone…eaten when we opened stockings for St. Nicholas Day! Grace hosts dVerse for final poems of 2023. The theme is recipe poems 🙂

into tiny coffins

christmas should be the merriest day on the isles but i,
tiny feathered creature, must silence my celebration as i am
aware of the bloody tradition of st. stephen’s, the martyr, a
mere desecrated day after the holy day, when every student
of ritual hunting will practice taking deadly aim of
us, sweetly innocent singers we, wee little wrens.



Baby Wrens’ Voices by Thomas R. Smith

I am a student of wrens.
When the mother bird returns
to her brood, beak squirming
with winged breakfast, a shrill
clamor rises like jingling
from tiny, high-pitched bells.
Who’d have guessed such a small
house contained so many voices?
The sound they make is the pure sound
of life’s hunger. Who hangs our house
in the world’s branches, and listens
when we sing from our hunger?
Because I love best those songs
that shake the house of the singer,
I am a student of wrens.

Melissa Lemay hosts dVerse poetics this week and prompts us to write poems related to animals and Christmas (not the usual animals associated with the Nativity). I wrote a "golden shovel" poem, ending each line with a word from phrase taken from Thomas R. Smith's poem above.

peace on earth

One of our joys with grandchildren nearby is to attend their school and Sunday School Christmas programs. It seems especially appropriate for children to share the good news of a special child’s birth. We smile at the fidgeting boys and shy girls as they line up on stage to take turns at a microphone. We’re gratified when they memorize their lines and speak (or read) them loud and clear.

But even if they stumble over the words or costumes, the effect is delightful. Our hearts warm to little cherubs softly singing “Away in a Manger” with motions and thrill to children’s choir belting out “NOEL, NOEL” to raise the roof.  A tingling rendition of “O Holy Night” played with color-coded hand bells is simply beautiful to our ears and surely must be to God’s as well. Thanks be to Him for his indescribable gift!

carols sung, bells rung

girl Mary holds baby doll

child’s heart of worship


Lisa hosts first haibun Monday of the new year at dVerse poetics…come join us!

evening epiphany

Great celestial conjugation

predicted by astronomers

at dusk of winter solstice

bright sign in evening sky

when giants Jupiter & Saturn

king & queen of the planets

slow dance in orbits aligned

(their last date was in 1623).




A reminder of the Christmas

star observed long ago by

astrologer kings who believe

announcement of royal birth

(under cruel rule of tyrant king)

travel across sands of time to

worship young King of kings

with such gifts to outshine stars!










As I viewed this rare conjunction through binoculars, the song We Three Kings played on the car radio!

kaeribana kigo

“Kaeribana” is Japanese kigo for “returning flowers”…from Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

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celebration of lights

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Linking to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai “countdown” to Christmas…

pastoral season


photo by lynn



waiting for Christmas

As newlyweds, we’d spent our money on the wedding and honeymoon so our budget was limited. We found an artificial tree on sale and put it up together. I had a few simple ornaments I had made in years past which we used to decorate the branches. We had no gifts under the tree but were happy celebrating our first Christmas together.

When our sons were little boys, they could hardly wait for St. Nick’s Day when we’d open our stockings…what gifts would be inside?  I hung them high, out of reach from eager eyes and curious fingers. Our neighbor bought the boys each an Advent calendar. They opened a window every day to find a little chocolate treat inside; counting down the days until Christmas.

Now that we’re older, we enjoy the waiting…listening to music, looking at light displays, attending grandchildren’s programs. The season of Advent is a special time of holiday concerts and worship services, culminating in the celebration of Christmas Day. We don’t really need any gifts except the presence of Emmanuel, God with us.


waiting for return of king

our advent journey




A traditional haiku refers to a season and nature so here’s another…


small creatures waiting

under snow’s winter mantle

for coming of spring



Linking to Imelda’s haibun prompt of “waiting” at dVerse Poets Pub





an invitation…for crying out loud!

A voice crying in the wilderness, make straight a highway for our God! 

What shall I cry?
Come all you faithful:
young and old
rich and poor,
black and white
Come, let us adore him
on this holy night.

Prophets cry:
Woe to sinners
everywhere; our
guilty hearts despair.
But do not fear, for
heaven’s hope draws near!

The virgin cries
with urgent pain,
birthing firstborn
on straw’s bloodstain;
Do not be afraid,
love’s sacrifice is paid!

Host of angels cry:
God’s good will
on earth to men!
Fear not, they say,
Prince of our peace
brings shalom today!

Shepherds cry:
choose good news!
Messiah’s here,
in swaddling bound.
Worship, unafraid,
spread joy around!

God’s star shines fierce
searchlight to pierce
through darkest times
O Holy night
advent of Light,
we celebrate this night divine!

I had the privilege of writing and reading this for our Christmas Eve candlelight worship. May God bless us, every one…Merry Christmas to all!


white Christmas (lite)


blanc fluff dusts tips of

evergreen branches; softens

brittle spikes of frozen grass

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