that’s entertainment?

Angling Agent: I can help you get your big break if you’re ready to deal.

Undiscovered Diva: Ok, yeah. I could use a break so just tell me what I need to do.

Agent: Your songs are too happy…you gotta write something darker, create an edgier voice, if you know what I mean.

Diva: But I think music should lift people up…that’s what it does for me.

Agent: That’s too predictable. You need to push the envelope with revealing costumes too.

Diva: I want to sell my music, not my body and soul!

Agent: Look, if you impress the right people, they’ll give you a million dollar record contract!

Diva: Do they even produce records any more? I just want to make my music.

Agent: What does it matter, that? The stars we see are already dead…and dead stars still burn.


Prosery prompt with Dora at dVerse. Write 144 words and include this line from poet Amy Woolard: “What does it matter that the stars we see are already dead.

native “soul” music

Lisa hosts musical muses at dVerse Poetics today…

she can
play flute,
learn lessons to
perform technique;
read musical notes
follow basic beat

how he
softly sways
with reed flute,
gentle and tender;
natural organic sound
memorized by breath
and expressed
simply by heart.

color tones

if jazz is blue, then
blues play cerulean

rock & roll thumps a
loudly violent violet

rap taps bold blood,
so immodestly garnet

country music waxes
into mellow marigold

gospel soothes with its
rich emerald harmony

while classical sounds
notably black & white

Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sense leads to automatic, involuntary experiences of a second one.  Seeing music as colors is one form of synesthesia.  (recent prompt by Grace at dVerse poets)

celtic music

Irish folk music featured at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai. This song was produced a few years ago by a Celtic band, Eden’s Bridge, and sung by Sarah Lacey.


seek a shiny stone

gaze down, collect in pocket

miss glory of the sea




soft as cashmere

Folk music of Kashmir, India featured at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai


hypnotizing voice

exotic music sways heart

sung by graceful hands



zeybek dance

Folk music from Anatolia, Turkey, featured on Carpe Diem Haiku Kai.


masculine eagles

follow baglama, drum, reed,

— dissonant music —

colorful, tassled dancers

proudly prance tradition’s steps




el condor pasa

Final post for Carpe Diem Haiku Kai’s  journey into the Andes…


high in the andes

condor circles mountain pass

music of pan flute




epic warfare


fantasy music–

dragon warriors battle

Conqueror of the Sky

spiritual warfare will

determine men’s destiny



Inspiration and, more haiku/tanka posted at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

quick & quirky questions


Here’s a fun list (with my answers in bold).  I found these questions at: Like answering Questions? by kiwinana


1. Favorite animal? cow…now

2. Wine or beer? whine!

3. Socks on/off while sleeping? depends on if my feet feel cold 🙂

4. One piece or two piece bathing suit?  one piece

5. Cooking at home or eating out?  please take me out!

6. Pepsi or Coke?  no thanks (too much diet Coke in my past)

7. Regular or electric toothbrush?  LOVE my electric

8. Candy or chocolate?  chocolate, of course!

9. Coffee or tea?  herbal teas; chai is favorite

10. Music or talk radio?  music

11. Chick flick, action movie or documentary? chick flick romance

12. Regular or mechanical pencil? regular
 (mechanical drive me crazy)

13. Swimming or laying out?  both, alternately

14. Dog or cat?  Dog

15. What do you drive? SUV, van or sedan?  SUV

16. Early bird catches the worm or night owl?  reforming night owl

17. If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be?bananas

18. While sleeping: Phone by your side or in another room?  phone in other room

19. Singing in the shower, yes or no?  not me

20. Oreo cookies: Eat whole? Take apart and/or dunk?  whole (package)


Wanna play?  Copy & paste on blog, insert your own answers and link to me!


dancing in grove


olive trees by Van Gogh


mediterranean sun

pulsing rhythm

warm yellow sky

radiates, ripens

music of olives

leaves quiver

trees wave arms

trunks sway hips

shadows of oil

flow to sound

of cool blue

pyrenees bass

Promise – Thomas Bergersen

Carpe Diem Haiku Kai’s December theme, Let the Music Inspire You.


raven flower blooms

beauty attracts flutter-byes

celebrate sweet youth

pledge virginity to one

who will promise a lifetime

The Great Wall – Einar Englund

Carpe Diem Haiku Kai’s December theme, Let the Music Inspire You.


invaders threaten

emperor orders wall be built

red dragon parade

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