that’s entertainment?

Angling Agent: I can help you get your big break if you’re ready to deal.

Undiscovered Diva: Ok, yeah. I could use a break so just tell me what I need to do.

Agent: Your songs are too happy…you gotta write something darker, create an edgier voice, if you know what I mean.

Diva: But I think music should lift people up…that’s what it does for me.

Agent: That’s too predictable. You need to push the envelope with revealing costumes too.

Diva: I want to sell my music, not my body and soul!

Agent: Look, if you impress the right people, they’ll give you a million dollar record contract!

Diva: Do they even produce records any more? I just want to make my music.

Agent: What does it matter, that? The stars we see are already dead…and dead stars still burn.


Prosery prompt with Dora at dVerse. Write 144 words and include this line from poet Amy Woolard: “What does it matter that the stars we see are already dead.