on wings of prayer

come as children
invited to relationship in
conversation with Father
enfolded by arms of love

whisper or whimper
spoken in Jesus name
hearts washed, forgiven,
delight in his presence

silent inward groans
Spirit hovers to listen
intercedes for sinners
a brush with the divine


44-word quadrille linked to dVerse poets where Lisa hosts prompt on the word “brush”.

if plants could pray


Lord, do you hear the corn?

parched leaves curl inward

desperate to conserve moisture

green tips point up, reaching

toward heaven’s hot expanse

in dry plea for relief

do i see small rain cloud form?

hear faint rumble of distant thunder?

oh, yes and amen

crops thank you in advance

faith grows greener

provision of comfort

profuse blooms of purple mum
colorful confetti of fallen leaves

frisky hop of harvesting squirrel
quick flash of tattletale blue jay

graceful swish of favorite skirt
soft whiteness of furry cardigan

moist texture of rhubarb cake
full cup of chai almond milk tea

delightful giggles of grandchild
sweet smile of namesake baby

real conversation of true friend
warm touch of faithful partner

prayer bond of blood brothers
joyful worship of Jesus people

photo by lynn

seeking solitude

I never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude.

-David Henry Thoreau


when being alone
doesn’t seem lonely
but a companionable
inner retreat, making
space for the soul.

find quietude within,
aware of own breath.
listen to music of the
wind and water, hear
time self-expanding

rest hurried mind
de-stress taut body
take time to imagine
core life possibilities,
reconsider priorities.

renewal of creative
in scent of rainwater
dew on emerald leaf;
barefoot in grass, sun
caresses shoulders.

posture of prayer
sitting in silence;
listen for God’s still
small voice speaking
truth to deepest heart.



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Bjorn invites us to explore some solitude and then link with dVerse poets

safe sanctuary


close restaurants
and coffee shops,
take away my chai
latte and stuffed crab,
hang the last TP rolls
from nearest tree, and
cancel church services

even if infected with
coronavirus at home
(my childhood home
was on corona street)
& quarantined, i will
yet have a sanctuary
for my heart to rest

within the soul’s home
found in Yahweh/God
whose name is breath;
i breathe His presence
as close as a heartbeat,
prayers whispered and
translated by the Spirit

forever and ever amen.








follow still small voice

where it quietly leads you

let God speak to heart

you may be an answer to

another person’s prayer



Link to #wispwrit#Writing#Challenge...and dedicated to my friend, Marie 🙂

quiet time


morning tea with God

prayerful conversation

listen to the Word

vital act of devotion

Spirit speaks into my life



Linking to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai‘s final post for month of pilgrimage…”an act of devotion”

gratitude recorded


counting grace gifts

moves me to mindful

noticing the beautifulIMG_3011

(even or especially)

in middle of the mess


grace gifts are blessings

magnificent and minute

given generously from

divine nail-pierced hands

with love, design, intent


i count and recount

voice in quiet prayer

write in poetic words

number in journal

capture with camera


lavish gifts everywhere

experienced in garden

discovered on farm

encountered in travels

observed as dear faces


Linda hosts poetics at dVerse Poets Pub on what brings us peace of mind…

natural revelation

sunday morning
all the waves in white
kneeling on the beach
© Jane Reichhold

prayer clouds in blue heaven
creation’s meditation
© lynn__


Tan renga challenge at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

phodrang marpo trinkhor

Like sound of title? Folk music from Tibet!


himalayan sound

prayer flags tune mellow song

longing for freedom



spiritual connection


Prayer is sharing an intimate conversation with God.


open the scripture

listen, study, meditate

speak response from heart





“One bun” (haibun of one line of prose plus haiku) in response to CDHK prompt.



this is NOT a drill (2)

Celebration vacation
on an island paradise
interrupted by cellphone alert:

“incoming missile, seek shelter, this is not a drill.”

This is not funny; nowhere to hide
surrounded by pacific (?!) ocean
hold down panic, prepare for end:

finish make-up, style wet hair, choose the shoes.

Say urgent prayer for
interception; resort reception is
too busy helping people check in…

wonder if soon we all be checking out?

Counting down final few minutes,
text message of love and faith
to adult children at home:

“God holds us all in His loving hands.”

Sense calming peace, sit by spouse
watching news update of human error
that pressed false alarm

sigh wave of relief, grateful to live another day!

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