kitty litter

there once roamed a fine feline pack

who desired royal avian snack:

“let’s pounce on low crows,

 tasty drumsticks dispose

but the feathers we’ll gladly give back!”

cartoon by Louis Wain

Poetry prompt with Melissa at dVerse to write on Wain’s cat cartoons without using word, “cat”.

dive bombers

backyard peace threatened

nesting blackbirds launch attack

nonchalant cat blinks

tuna cat

Tuna, baby
you’re the one
you make playtime
so much fun
Tuna, baby
i’m meow-fully
fond of you.

my son & daughter-in-love’s cat, Tuna

You’re a love ball
made of fur
and we love to
hear you purr
Tuna, baby
we’re meow-fully
fond of you.

(Sung to the tune of “Rubber Ducky” by Bert on Sesame Street)

siri-ously be missed

Siri, self-primping
purr machine and
house cat wanna-be,
begs for attention by
front steps when we
come out for chores.

Handsome specimen:
charcoal on milk white, IMG_0805
wily golden eyes and
graying whiskers, he
avoids photographs
by always walking
toward the camera.

He’s outlived several
rivals; probably on his
eighth cat life by now
(we don’t discuss it)
still efficient hunter
and affectionate pet,
follows us like a dog
back to the old barn.

He will jump on any
lap offered and roll
over for a belly rub.
Now defers to young
cats’ swats or hisses;
lately, i’ve heard him
retching more, found
regurgitated mouse
exposed on sidewalk,

just another hairball?

or aged digestion failing,
like an elderly gentleman
who soon stops eating…

seduction in fur

eyes of molten gold
just might melt me
and my solid resolve
meow, Sir Siri, but
aren’t you a lapful?!
oh yes, you’re the
purrr-fect gentleman
standing by the door
with those cloying eyes
that beg to come IN!
if I were to acquiesce,
would you leap upon
the softest pillow and
claw me with incessant
requests for stroking?
insistent rubs for my
undivided attentions?
though born in a barn,
you’re a real charmer,
house cat wanna-be,
beggar extraordinaire!


into the shadows


searching for any witnesses,
he questioned as if suspect:
“where were you?” he probed
“in my room,” a shocked reply
(nowhere near bloodied body)

at least, victim didn’t feel much,
unexpected and instantaneous.
trucker on road never slowed,
could not see in night’s blackness
didn’t notice impact, drove on.

circles under eyes mark grief
remembered as good mother;
affectionate, gave warm gifts.
she’d lived life until the ninth
when bad luck found black cat.

how often we commit dark deeds;
does ignorance prove innocence?


Linking to dVerse poets. This “mystery” poem fits previous prompt (shades of black) and current prompt (changing perspective). Written in third person about our barn cat found on the road but also thinking of a former acquaintance who was struck by a truck and killed. It’s always sad when animals die but how much more a human being?!


maleficent (II)

she’s maleficent
so magnificent
black cat
huntress proficient
mercy deficient
poor rat
acting diffident
looking innocent



photo by lynn

















The “Lai” is an old French form with 9-line stanza(s) of 5 syllables/2 syllables in repeated pattern and rhyme scheme: aabaabaab. Prompted by Grace at dVerse Poets

seri (parsley)

Linking to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai with classical spring kigo: “seri”



gray stripes with white patch

hidden beneath the parsley

cat prowling garden



pot on windowsill

green herbs sprouting toward sunshine

fresh ingredients



holiday garnish

refreshing cleanse for the tongue

miniature tree




free image – pexels

joy of light series


glow of a cat’s eyes
hunting for unwary mice
stealthy night prowler
tail twitches, whiskers quiver
hunch low, slink silent, then pounce!




No joy in this for the mouse (obviously) but another take on “joy of light” theme at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai.



image/jazz prompt – dVerse Poets


gotta lotta

grooove, yeah


ratta tat rrrrrollll


get UP in stride

then down…slide

step on cat’s tail


sing, tom CAT!

lone saxyphone’s

liquid eyes hone

salty inDIGo tears

tickle tuned ears

coolest fools rule

don’t mute it, dude!

puff up cheeks

chEEKy trumpet

pump it up

to A squeal

play guts out

rhino nose blow

releases it ALL…over


audaciously catty

Playing with “anthropomorphism” at dVerse poetics with Lillian 🙂

fat cat in silky
top hat, walks
sleek this season
(has no reason
to run) saunters
too confidently,
(pompous louse)
directly to famed
doghouse- ritzy,
spacious place
(will absent dog
give chase?)
cat pauses for
grand entrance,
smiles smugly to
paparazzi & me.
then, full of pride,
he slinks inside
to curl up cool
in empty dish;
crinkles pug nose-
where’s my fish?
long afternoon nap
(could be a trap?)
it’s easy to be,
like i already said,
audaciously catty
after dog is dead.

 mister irresistible


self-groomed cat purrs loud

invited into farmhouse

softest lap pillow


photo by lynn














Linking this comparison haiku to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai