heirloom lost

my box was antique blue
with a heart-shaped lock,
tiny key and gold filigree-
patterned lid, lifted fragilely
on two hinges to reveal tray
of velvety divided squares

my box held real jewelry,
leftovers from my mother
and grandmother which i
imagined in woke-dreams
they’d worn to royal teas
and exotic travels overseas

my box was old, well-used;
velvet rubbed bare in spots
till hinges broke irreparably
and i left childhood dreams
behind, discarded with box
but kept jeweled memories


Patterned after Gillian Clarke’s poem, “My Box” and shared with Kim at dVerse poets OLN.

deep waters

lagoon in my memories
fills dormant volcano crater;
nicaraguan vendors encircle
tourists as mountains surround
deep blue pocket of aquatic life.

lagoon of my memories
fills crevices of heart and mind;
as faces from childhood encircle
present experience, surrounding
deeply personal perspective on life.


Quadrille (44 words) linked to Melissa’s prompt at dVerse poets on “lagoon”.


my father
has been gone
exactly a year today
and the memories of
his dying taste like chalk
on a parched tongue…
but the memories of his living
smell like mountain trout,
burnt cream puffs, chlorine
of pool where he saved me
from drowning.


A quadrille of forty-four words linked to dVerse poets.

mariner’s musings


when warmer air stirs sweet memories on
those youthful days when he sailed waves of sea
feeling of freedom worth dreaming upon

he watched the sky in experienced way
and listened for foghorn’s woeful low sound
to safely guide ship back into the bay

love of the sea understood beyond speech
lives on after old sailor’s laid to rest
like signal of lighthouse on rocky beach




Laura Bloomsbury challenges us to write three tercets in pentameter (optional) with set rhyme scheme. Linking to dVerse Poets

play for keeps


keep the best memories
let unpleasant ones go

keep faith in truth
turn from all false-ness

keep forward movement
stop procrastination now

keep expressing your heart
ignore rude criticism

keep head held high
don’t lose confidence

keep smiling at life
watch life smile back!




Too late to link but inspired by Kim at dVerse to write quadrille (44 words) on “keep”.


Challenge at CDHK to create an original “fusion” haiku from two classics and then use each line to write a “troiku” series of three more haiku.  Here’s my attempt…


crystal brook
reflects the willow trees
birds sing their song

sweet perfume
memories of a loved one
Jasmine blossom

© Yozakura

brook’s crystal waters

reflect sweet jasmine blossoms

scented memories

© lynn

brook’s crystal waters

brace trout swimming upstream

bait hook with fly lure


sweet jasmine blossoms

speak white-petaled wisdom’s way

nurture tender vines


scented memories

of father and mother’s love

listen to bird song





Basho revisited

First haiku by Basho, second a revision by me…linked to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

samazama no koto omoidasu sakura kana

how many, many things
they call to mind
these cherry-blossoms!


recall, my friend, those

cherry blossom memories!

…many moons ago



Photo by Joel Neff on Unsplash


hana tachibana

Hana Tachibana means “mandarin orange blossoms” and is a Japanese “kigo”, season word, used in haiku and featured at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai. 


fresh breeze scented by

mandarin orange blossoms

tang of memories

unanticipated love

Holiday haibun (prose exactly 200 words, Frank!) for dVerse “surprise” prompt


Christmas is a season of surprises. It began with virgin birth of a king in a cave, marked by a magnificent star. An angel choir sent musical birth announcements. Visitors included local shepherds fresh from the fields and, later, foreign scholars bearing tokens of wealth. The gifts were unusual for a baby shower but signified the child’s future rule, life’s sacrifice, and atoning death.

We celebrate Christmas with surprises hung in stockings, wrapped in packages under trees, bright lights to see and sweet treats to eat. It’s fun to delight someone we love with a gift that “fits” them perfectly. Guests may appear unexpectedly like changeable weather that alternates between merry and dreadful. Mistletoe, moods and mayhem can take us by surprise during the holy (holly) days.

The best surprises are little moments of unanticipated kindness during this season of good cheer. “Adopted” grandparents (now deceased) give children candy advent calendars with a window treat for each day of December. A busy mom who delivers a plate of homemade goodies with her children. A hearty hug and teary smile from an elderly relative in a senior center. A neighbor boy who leaves greeting card and his artwork in a mailbox.


stories of Christmas

wrapped with shiny memories

love surprises us

juicy goodness II


kisses sweet as jam

memories of seasons past

blackberry winter




free image from pixabay

don’t miss awesome view

Jumping on Kiwinana’s weekly tanka challenge:  life & fun



live your life out loud

play in sunshine, rest in shade

take a little risk

enjoy fun time with loved ones

make good memories today




Talsma’s Trail Park 

the peanuts club

The crawl space of childhood’s basement offered an obvious place for our secret club. We climbed red-bench invitation to reach spool knob and swing open a wide (but very short) plywood door; then clambered up, one-by-one, into our hide-out. Sliding over corrugated cardboard flooring, the first brave soul would pull the string to a single lightbulb. Neighborhood kids formed collaborative huddle amid boxes of empty canning jars and old books. Dark, cobwebbed corners added aura of mystery (not to mention arachnid fear) to our clandestine meetings. With conspiratorial whispers, we’d conduct official club business and ritual passing of candy before breaking out the “Peanuts” board game. Hanging out with Charlie Brown’s gang, we rolled the dice, collected comic character tiles, and took our turns in the “Booby Hatch”.

childhood memories

password protected clubhouse

friendship’s secret code

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