heirloom lost

my box was antique blue
with a heart-shaped lock,
tiny key and gold filigree-
patterned lid, lifted fragilely
on two hinges to reveal tray
of velvety divided squares

my box held real jewelry,
leftovers from my mother
and grandmother which i
imagined in woke-dreams
they’d worn to royal teas
and exotic travels overseas

my box was old, well-used;
velvet rubbed bare in spots
till hinges broke irreparably
and i left childhood dreams
behind, discarded with box
but kept jeweled memories


Patterned after Gillian Clarke’s poem, “My Box” and shared with Kim at dVerse poets OLN.


frightful childhood dreams

creatures of fur, fang, and claw

mount stairs to bedroom


cannot sleep tonight

half-moon’s eye peeks in window

chases dreams away


someday…rest in peace

mother speaks to me in dreams

her voice reassures


In response to Ingrid’s visionary poetic prompt at dVerse poets…for dreamers only!

sea of tranquility

Lillian at dVerse invites us to write a quadrille (44-word poem) on the most beautiful word in our language: tranquility


adirondacks sit on
porch of beach house
surf flows in, lightly froths
foam over fine sand…
sucked back to sea,
leaving castaway shells.
seagulls perch on pier…
launch upward in lazy arcs
where white clouds float,
billow, accumulate into
tranquil dreams…
of sunny tomorrow.




photo by lynn

fishing for stars

“Tan renga” chained together for Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, where Delores wrote a beautiful haiku reminding me of poem by Eugene Fields and park sculpture.


clouds and waves
carry my dreams away
tugging my anchor

© Dolores

drift along in private boat
of winkin’ blinkin’ and nod

© lynn__


dreams at dusk


fireflies spark magic

blinking lawn lights mesmerize

summer’s faerie dreams





image from wikihow/creative commons


purple dreams

Kortney at Tweetspeak Poetry hosts Monday prompts, tanka this week.


I come weary,
In search of an inn—
Ah! these wisteria flowers!

–by Matsuo Basho, translated by William George Aston


purple moon blooms in doorway
scent welcomes dream traveler

– by lynn

image: groupon.co.uk


antiqued dreams


embroidery thread

honeysuckled butterflies

grandma’s pillowcase




Inspired by Carpe Diem Haiku Kai prompt: embroidery thread

now i lay me down

A “gentle scent of lavender” at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai today…


pillowed prayers’ peace

gentle scent of lavender

perfumes silent dreams

purple fields in evening praise

raise reverent cloistered blooms



European tour: Denmark

Chèvrefeuille at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai hosts virtual tour of Europe this month.


deep tidal currents

glean golden light of autumn

fjord of our dreams









(photo credit: CDHK)


imaginary toad in real garden


mr. toady,

poor bloke,

he croaked!

“call a spade

a raccoon,” i said.

go bury bumpy

next to his lumpy

mortician’s binary

fission beautician

beneath the

sassafras bush.

but whatever

you do, don’t

sneeze at rich

dark chocolate


served up hot

by pink-vested

bobble bunnies

with sides of steamy

blue lobster rainbows

under kettle-korn

skies…or you may

shatter my shiny





So, what do you think of my new garden ornament?  Linked to d’Versepoets


renga reprise

(Photo & tan renga challenge from Carpe Diem Haiku Kai)


flight of the eagle

stepping into the world of dreams

a silent cry                                (Chèvre)


a piercing eye sees dreams die

Awake!  fly free…forever         (lynn)