japanese spring (II)

Akebia Blossom

Akebia blooms – CDHK

akebia blooms

lavender shade’s wild desire

scent of chocolate

now i lay me down

A “gentle scent of lavender” at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai today…


pillowed prayers’ peace

gentle scent of lavender

perfumes silent dreams

purple fields in evening praise

raise reverent cloistered blooms



tan renga party

A tan renga is written by two poets;  first writes a haiku, second answers with 2 more lines…


in the moonlight
Wisteria flowers look fragile –
a gust of wind

(c) Chèvrefeuille


lovers on bench hold kisses

lavender snow covers path

(c) lynn__


source: Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

lavender fields


Abbey in France with lavender field-"Sénanque 06" by EmDee

Abbey in France with lavender field-“Sénanque 06” by EmDee


Yon lavender fields forever

favorite perfume for supple skin

old clay jars laced with lavendar

mummy wrap fit for Egyptian.


flower heads added to bath warm

Yon lavender fields forever

cooking flavor for dish Roman;

this herb is centuries’ treasure.


queen’s procurer run shy, never

Victorian women freshen

Yon lavender fields forever

castle floors and drawers of linen.


essential oils for young living

de-stress with a drop whenever

smooth on pillowcase for sleeping

Yon lavender fields forever!


My first attempt at quatern form,  linking to Toads’ lavender prompt.

Yon is a river in the country of France…where lavender is grown.

Quatern Poem: This French form has 16 lines broken up into 4 quatrains (or 4-line stanzas). Each line is comprised of eight syllables. The first line is the refrain. In the second stanza, the refrain appears in the second line; in the third stanza, the third line; in the fourth stanza, the fourth (and final) line.