stairway to heaven

Linking to dVerse Poets Pub where Kim hosts poetics on the theme of “buildings“.


come, walk into
red-brick city church
of my childhood years
impressive facade soars
with cross atop central peak
an ancient yet beloved building
which features wide concrete steps
to enter through two heavy-hinged doors

come, climb up more
stairs to enter sanctuary
even higher to three balconies
hung below exposed-beam rafters
steps creak predictably under weight of
people with friendly faces and familiar voices
edifice embraces a warm welcome for regulars
and visitors alike with smiles, handshakes or hugs

come, sit down
on long wooden bench
which stood sturdy for years
smoothed by past congregants
sliding across row to make room
one central aisle with two side-aisles
all lead to table and raised stage in front
where God’s open word remains focal point

come, look up at
the light of the world
large stained-glass Jesus
who carries little lamb close
as he walks above choir loft with
staff in hand while sunlight filters in
organ begins prelude, robed choir enters
the minister stands and we all rise to worship


clerestory pilgrimage


monarch butterflies

floating stained glass windows

reflect light’s glory

delicate creatures on winged

migration to paradise



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