stairway to heaven

Linking to dVerse Poets Pub where Kim hosts poetics on the theme of “buildings“.


come, walk into
red-brick city church
of my childhood years
impressive facade soars
with cross atop central peak
an ancient yet beloved building
which features wide concrete steps
to enter through two heavy-hinged doors

come, climb up more
stairs to enter sanctuary
even higher to three balconies
hung below exposed-beam rafters
steps creak predictably under weight of
people with friendly faces and familiar voices
edifice embraces a warm welcome for regulars
and visitors alike with smiles, handshakes or hugs

come, sit down
on long wooden bench
which stood sturdy for years
smoothed by past congregants
sliding across row to make room
one central aisle with two side-aisles
all lead to table and raised stage in front
where God’s open word remains focal point

come, look up at
the light of the world
large stained-glass Jesus
who carries little lamb close
as he walks above choir loft with
staff in hand while sunlight filters in
organ begins prelude, robed choir enters
the minister stands and we all rise to worship


500th anniversary year

Joining with tanka challenge at Ramblings of a Writer, include: history, surrounded.


true church will stand strong

surrounded by witnesses

joined in history

reformation revival

proves perseverance of saints



Of course, Christ’s true church is neither a building nor a denomination but the history of the Wittenberg church is interesting:

All Saints’ Church, commonly referred to as Schlosskirche (Castle Church) and sometimes known as the Reformation Memorial Church, is a Lutheran church in Wittenberg, Germany.

The main portal was often used by the university staff to pin up messages and notices. On 31 October 1517, the eve of All Saints’ Day, Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses on the doors of All Saints’ Church. This act, meant to promote a disputation on the sale of indulgences, is commonly viewed to be a catalyst for the Protestant Reformation…

The church became the burial site of Frederick the Wise (1525), Martin Luther himself in 1546, and of Philipp Melanchthon (1560).

During the Seven Years’ War the Wittenberg fortress was occupied by the Prussian Army and shelled by Imperial forces. In 1760, the Castle Church was destroyed by a fire resulting from the bombardment. The blaze left only half of the foundation standing, and none of the wooden portals survived but All Saints’ was soon rebuilt…

After Wittenberg was incorporated into the Prussian Province of Saxony, King Frederick William IV, in 1858, ordered commemorative bronze doors to be mounted onto the jambs where the original wooden ones had hung. On the doors the Theses are inscribed in their original Latin.

On the occasion of the fourth centenary of Luther’s birth in 1883, an extensive restoration of All Saints’ in a Neo-Gothic style was begun. (source: Wikipedia)



hEar da boyz R bak!


clear SUNday mornin’ [early 1950’s] 2

US navy uniformed young pilots ~swag~

fighter jets flyin’ hi, leavin’ con-trails…on

official run: san diego(go) to chicago—GO!


idea 4fun stunt [see lightbulb flash]

RE-duce altitude& RE-connoiter over

rural mid-west in search of 1buddy’s

tiny hometown on farmz checkerboard


[needle in haystack] eye spy white chURch

(as)pire to steeeple – jets dive hard ‘n fast

bein’ boys, makin’ noise…ZOOOOM x2

cock(y)pit laughter, silence in sanctuary


week later, pilot ONleave re-turns home-y

BIG talk in small town about 2 (too) low planes

overhead [IN yer head] soundin’ off, poundin’ off

shatterin’ the air, stoppin’ preacher’s pray-er


(dad still grins when tellin’ his sins!)


stained glass


church is his Body

diversely stained cut pieces

peace through unity


grace gifts from Spirit

blooming flowers of the field

beauty incarnate


love sets hearts aflame

bathes whole world in true light




Photo inspiration from Chèvre at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai