nectar to honey


buzzing underfoot

bee’s legs heavy with pollen

white clover’s sweetness



image: pic jumbo

(extra)ordinary wanderings


Experience the best in rural rejuvenation by simply strolling down a gravel road with eyes fully open, senses aware. Shy wildflowers greet the observant walker from their hiding places in the waving fringe of ditch grasses. See the bright face of a fresh dandelion next to the seedy puff of an elder bloom on its way out. Pluck and inhale a sweet clover blossom, then poke stem through a buttonhole for country-style boutonniere. Note erratic flight of white cabbage moth past buds of wild roses soon to blush pink. Taste surprise dust devil whipped up by wind.  Follow the cry of killdeer as it fakes broken wing to drag trouble away from nest. Listen to red-winged blackbird sing heart out for his mate from perch atop road sign. Hear familiar crunch of gravel beneath favorite walking shoes. Feel spirit lift when raise eyes to the open skies. Go ahead, try to predict the weather!




photo by lynn

you can see for miles

evening walk on gravel road

full of life’s secrets











Link to d’Verse Poets haibun Monday.  Wrote something similar May 9… hey, i like to walk!